We’re committed to shipping your orders quickly and economically. We work hard to keep our packaging process speedy and our shipping rates are reasonable to ship your order to you for delivery as quickly as possible. We will always do calculations to make sure you’re getting the best shipping price.
On this page you’ll find SaltWonders shipping and delivery policies for our website purchase.
General Shipping Information
Once your order has been placed, it will be expertly packaged in our warehouse in Houston, TX. Most orders are packaged and shipped from our warehouse within 1-2 business days. The delivery date will depend on the distance your package has to travel from SaltWonders facility. (Phone service for website purchase are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM To 5:00 PM CST and don’t include holidays or weekends.)
Shipping rates are based on the total weight and volume of your order as well as the destination. We do our best to pack every order carefully and securely to ensure that your products arrive in good condition at your door.
We ship all small package orders via U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and FedEx. We also offer different types of expedited shipping options for small package orders, including FedEx Next Day Air, 2 Day Air and 3-Day Select.
Once your order has shipped, you will receive a shipment confirmation email from SaltWonders with your USPS and FedEx tracking number. If you have created an account on the SaltWonders website, you may also log in to your my account to check your order status and find tracking information. If you choose to check out as a guest, this information will not be accessible on our website. If you have any questions about your order’s status or cannot find your tracking information, please call our friendly SaltWonders team at (713) 266-2111.
or email us at
Please note that once packages have left our facility and are on their way to you, there’s little we can do to change the shipping details. If, after your order has shipped, you would like to make a change to the delivery address, you may do so by going to or We are happy to help walk you through this process. Please contact our customer service team at (713) 266-2111.
While FedEx and other shipping carriers provide estimated delivery dates, holiday shipping volumes, adverse weather, emergency situations or mechanical breakdown may affect how long it will take to update your tracking information and deliver your purchase to your door.
How long it takes for your package to arrive depends on the distance it has to travel after leaving our warehouse in Houston, TX, as well as other factors outside of SaltWonders control.
Estimated time to deliver the package is showing below. Package delivery time Include a possible 24-48 hour processing time, most orders will arrive at your doorstep within 5-6 business days from order placement. See below for general delivery times:
From Texas to western states (West of Texas) - 4 to 6 days
From Texas to middle states ( Central State around Texas) - 3 to 4 days
From Texas to eastern states (east of Texas) - 4 to 6 days
We do not require signatures upon delivery for orders shipped via U.S. Postal Service (USPS) & FedEx small package. U.S. Postal Service (USPS) & FedEx makes every effort to leave your package if you’re not home. If your tracking info indicates your package has been delivered but you can’t see it, please take a look around your home. Delivery drivers want to make sure what you ordered is safe and sometimes tuck boxes behind shrubs, alongside a garage or shed, on a back porch or in another less visible area.
Sometimes a carrier might not feel comfortable leaving a package if you’re not home. This is at the driver’s discretion per U.S. Postal Service (USPS) & FedEx policy. In the event this happens, the driver will leave a notice on your door with instructions on how to arrange and complete delivery. For U.S. Postal Service (USPS) packages, if post master left pink slip in your mail box, please contact with your local post office with pink slip or tracking number to pick up your package.
If you cannot find your package and your tracking information indicates it was delivered, please call us at (713) 266-2111. We are happy to help!
Free Shipping
SaltWonders may offer free shipping on retail purchases throughout the year. This offer is subject to change or cancellation without notice.
Free shipping is available for all retail purchases shipped via regular FedEx Ground shipping and U.S. Postal Service (USPS) priority mail & first class mail.
Please note that free shipping is also only available to customers in the contiguous United States (aka the “lower 48” or the “continental US”). Unfortunately, we cannot offer free shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, US Protectorates (Guam, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) nor to international customers.
Shipping to APO/FPO/DPO/P.O. Boxes
We support our troops at home and abroad and are happy to ship orders to Army or Air Post Offices (APO), Fleet Post Offices (FPO), Diplomatic Post Offices (DPO) and P.O. Boxes via the US Postal Service (USPS).
To ship to one of these post office options, please contact SaltWonders customer service toll-free at (713) 266-2111.
or to place your order and make special shipping arrangements. We’re happy to help and will be able to provide you a quote on shipping costs.
International Shipping
All prices are listed in United States dollars (USD). SaltWonders does not calculate or provide conversion rates. To Canada: We can ship to Canada by U.S. Postal Service (USPS) and UPS. Our shipping cart will not add shipping charges for Canada at this moment, but we will send you separate Paypal Invoice for shipping charges. Please note: The shipping charges we will charge to you are shipping charges only. Customs, duties, taxes or other import fees are not included when we calculate shipping. Those additional charges will be imposed and collected by UPS or Canada post as a separate charge. You are responsible for paying these fees directly to UPS or Canada post. You can contact UPS at (800) PICK-UPS and your Canada post to discuss these charges and fees before placing an order with SaltWonders. Important: If you choose not to pay these additional charges to have your package delivered, we cannot issue a refund for the undelivered items nor the shipping costs. Other International Destinations: For orders outside of the United States or Canada, we can offer international shipping. Quotes for international shipping charges are provided on a case-by-case basis and cannot be provided through the website. All international orders must be placed directly through a SaltWonders team member by calling or by sending e-mail to us.
Please contact customer service at (713) 266-2111 or for a quote and/or to place your order.
Please note: SaltWonders does not handle customs or tariff logistics. Prior to placing your order, we encourage you to check your country’s import regulations. We do not use third-party shippers or allow local pick-up for international orders.