Himalayan Salt Block Cooking

Himalayan salt blocks, plates, bricks, and platters can be used for sauteing, grilling, chilling, curing, cooking, baking, presenting, salting, bathing, building, and contemplating.
Cooking on a Himalayan Salt Block
The crystal lattice of our Himalayan Pink Salt Blocks has a high specific energy (energy per unit of mass), so they hold any temperature you bring it to for a good while. Likewise, this makes for excellent heat distribution, making grandma's heavy old cast iron skillet seem like tinfoil by comparison.
For a Grill:
Place your salt block on the grate. If using a charcoal grill, keep the coals to one side and place the block on the other side, to expose it to less direct heat. If using a gas grill, start the heat on low as you would with a gas range. Increase heat slowly until the block is ready to use, as described in the gas range instructions.